Vim documentation: pi_expl

main help file
*pi_expl.txt*   For Vim version 6.0.  Last change: 2001 Sep 17

		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by M A Aziz Ahmed
					  updated by Mark Waggoner

						*file-explorer* *file-browser*
Plugin for exploring (or browsing) directories and files

1. Starting the file explorer		|expl-starting|

The functionality mentioned here is a |standard-plugin|.
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
You can avoid loading this plugin by setting the "loaded_explorer" variable:
	:let loaded_explorer = 1

{Vi does not have any of this}


1. Starting the file explorer				*expl-starting*

This plugin is used to explore directories inside Vim. The file explorer is
launched whenever the user tries to edit a directory.

						*:Explore* *:Sexplore*
To launch the explorer in the directory of the file currently edited:
If the file has changes the window is split.  To always split the window:
To launch the explorer in a specific directory:
	:Explore dirname
	:Sexplore dirname

From inside the explorer move your cursor to a line containing a file or
directory name.  The following command keys are available:

  <enter> will open the file in the window the explorer is currently
  'o' will split a new window and open the file in the new window.
  'O' will open the file chosen using the window that the cursor was in just
      before you started or entered the explorer window.  If the explorer is
      the only window, it will first split a new window to use for the file to
      be opened.
  'p' will open (or use) the preview window showing the file

When splitting off a new window, you can control where the split window will
go relative to the explorer window using the variables g:explVertical,
g:explSplitBelow and g:explSplitRight.





To control whether the split is made horizontally or vertically, use:
  let g:explVertical=1	" Split vertically
  let g:explVertical=0	" Split horizontally (default)

To control where the window goes relative to the explorer window when
splitting horizontally, use the variable:
  let g:explSplitBelow=1    " Put new window below explorer window
  let g:explSplitBelow=0    " Put new window above explorer window
The default for this is the setting of splitbelow at the time the plugin is

To control where the windows goes relative to the explorer window when
splitting vertically, use the variable:
  let g:explSplitRight=1    " Put new window to the right of the explorer
  let g:explSplitRight=0    " Put new window to the left of the explorer
The default for this is the setting of splitright at the time the plugin is

To use a different split method for the explorer window, use:
  let g:explStartRight=1    " Put new explorer window to the right of the
			    " current window
  let g:explStartRight=0    " Put new explorer window to the left of the
			    " current window
The default for this set to g:explSplitRight at the time the plugin is loaded.

To use a different split method for the explorer window, use:
  let g:explStartBelow=1    " Put new explorer window below the
			    " current window
  let g:explStartBelow=0    " Put new explorer window above the
			    " current window
The default for this set to g:explSplitBelow at the time the plugin is loaded.

The start splits allow for the explorer window to be placed in a file browser
type arrangement, where the directories are shown on the left and the contents
opened on the right.  The start split settings are only used when issueing
the Sexplore command.

Note that the window split is done a little bit differently than window splits
are usually done.  Ordinarily, when splitting a window, the space occupied by
the current window will be split to give space for the new window.  The
explorer attempts to instead split from a window adjacent to the explorer
window so that the explorer window will not change sizes.  If there is not an
adjacent window in the direction you are splitting, the explorer window is

After opening a file with the 'o' command, you might want to resize the
explorer window. This can be done by setting the variable
  let g:explWinSize=N
N is the number of rows (when the window is split horizontally) or the number
of columns (when the window is split vertically).  If g:explWinSize is set to
an empty string (""), resizing will not be done.  g:explWinSize defaults to

The file size (in bytes) and modification time can be displayed inside the
file explorer window. By pressing 'i', you can toggle between the name only
display and the more lengthy display.  If you want the size and date to show
by default, use
  let g:explDetailedList=1
Doing this may slightly slow down explorer. The difference may or may not be
noticeable depending on your system and whether the directory is local or on
the network and on the size of the directory.

The format of date displayed is configurable using the variable
g:explDateFormat.  explorer uses this variable to pass to strftime() to fetch
the date information. |strftime()|  The default is
  let g:explDateFormat="%d %b %Y %H:%M"

Note that for sorting purposes, the date is always placed at the end of the
line in its 'raw' form.  If you have syntax highlighting turned on, this raw
date should be invisible.

You can hide some files by filling the variable g:explHidFiles with regular
expressions. A filename that matches any of these regular expressions will not
be shown. For example,

  let g:explHideFiles='^\.,\.gz$,\.exe$,\.zip$'

will not show files that begin with "." and those that end in .gz, .exe or
.zip. However, all directory names will always be shown. If while exploring,
you'd like to see the hidden files as well, use the command "a".
The explorer header will indicate if filtering is being done.

The help information spanning a few lines can be turned off (and just a single
help message enabled) using the option
  let g:explDetailedHelp=0
You can anytime switch to the detailed help format by pressing ?.

Pressing 'D' inside explorer deletes the file under the cursor. You can delete
many files by visually selecting them and using 'D'. The deletion is
interactive in the form y/n/a/q. Directory deletion is not supported (mainly
because there is no way to delete a directory using a vim built-in function).

Pressing 'R' inside explorer will allow you to rename the file under the

The display in the file explorer can be sorted in forward or reverse order by
name, size, or modification date.  You can set the default sorting direction
with the option
  let g:explSortBy='name'		" alphabetically
  let g:explSortBy='reverse name'	" reverse alphabetically
  let g:explSortBy='date'		" newest first
  let g:explSortBy='reverse date'	" oldest first
  let g:explSortBy='size'		" largest first
  let g:explSortBy='reverse size'       " smallest first
While in the explorer, you can rotate through the sort fields by pressing the
's' key and you can reverse the current sort order by pressing the 'r' key.
Sorting on fields other than the name will be faster if the size and date are
displayed (using 'i' or g:explDetailedList).
The explorer heading will indicate the current sort order.

To control the segregation of directories and files, you can set this option
  let g:explDirsFirst=1     " Directories at the top of the list (default)
  let g:explDirsFirst=0     " Directories mixed in with files
  let g:explDirsFirst=-1    " Directories at the bottom of the list

To control the segregation of files matching the suffixes option, you can set
this option
  let g:explSuffixesLast=1     " Files matching suffixes sorted at the bottom
			       " of the list (default)
  let g:explSuffixesLast=0     " Files matching suffixes sorted normally
  let g:explSuffixesLast=-1    " Files matching suffixes sorted at the top of
			       " the list
The heading will indicate if suffixes have been moved to the end (or start) of
the list.

Directories and files matching the suffixes list will be highlighted.  If you
have the directories, files, and suffixes separated, and you would like a
separator line between the groups, you can set the option
  let g:explUseSeparators=1    " Use separator lines
  let g:explUseSeparators=0    " Don't use separator lines

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